WIP is 78% completed
Working full time as a nurse and true crime writer is exhausting. I’m thankful for my understanding editor who allowed me to stretch out my January/February 2019 deadline due to health complications. Not surprising, I work best under stress and timelines. I have made up some lost time and made some great strides toward completion of Wicked Seattle. My writing is now 78% complete and I hope to get passed the 80% mark today. My photos are at about 90% complete and I’m setting a goal to have them gathered and ready within the next week or two. It’s times like this when I cringe to hear people say, “Oh writing isn’t work. You do it for fun.” As I peer from under about twenty different historical reference books, which aggravates the cramp in my neck, gives my tired typing a fingers a moment to cramp too, and I open a vein to bleed out my heart on the computer screen…