Teresa Nordheim’s Bio
Teresa Nordheim began writing as soon as she was able to pick up a pen and put it on paper. She remembers sitting on the front porch of her grandparent’s home and drawing horses as she created storybooks about her own life adventures and misadventures. Her grandfather said, “Don’t give up. You’re good at this.” She would never forget his kind words.
She entered her first writing contest in third grade and although she wouldn’t win, she learned a valuable lesson. Rejection is a badge of courage. It means you were brave enough to pour your heart and soul into paper and share it with the world. If you don’t try, you can’t succeed. Many years later, she had enough rejection letters to wallpaper a room, but she didn’t give up.
She produced over fifty online and print articles for children and adults. Including such credits as the world-renowned Highlights for Children Magazine and three stories accepted for state testing for children. She has also published three non-fiction, historical books.
She discovered her niche of researching and writing non-fiction with flare and marking her success when a reluctant reader would complement her writing.
Today she resides in North Texas but was born and raised near Seattle, Washington. She gave up her full time as a civilian nurse for the United States Army to move closer to both of her daughters in Texas. She now works full-time as a correctional nurse and writes whenever she can keep her head out of a research book or a juicy romantic suspense novel.
“I write for the same reason I breathe – Because if I didn’t, I would die.” Isaac Asimov